Tuesday 28 April 2015

Little But Important Things To Consider When Planning Your Dream Wedding

Planning a wedding is not as easy we all think - it takes a lot of time and energy. So when you witness a well organised wedding you should know that a lot of work has been done to make it so. There are many little but important things we need consider when planning our wedding, below is just a few. 

Never Plan your WEDDING Just to PLEASE Others

Be careful with the advice u receive prior to your  big day, especially during your wedding. don't let people push you into doing things at the expense of your personal desires or capabilities - some will say you are well known and you must have a big society wedding ceremony and reception. May be told to conjugate your wedding in the same church your grandparent did theirs. these are good ideal But don't make choices to please others then make yourself unhappy, and don’t spend more than you can afford.

Don't Invite the whole Nation just Because you think you are Popular

The truth about wedding budgeting is that each additional guest means an increase in cost. If you have a specific budget limit (as most people do), you have reduce your ability to spend extra. More guests mean more expenses, more headache and trouble. Invite those who you care about most and who are truly involved in your life. On your wedding day, you will want to be surrounded by familiar, loving smiles not people you barely recognise.
Avoid Lateness

This rule applies everyone else involved in the wedding. Try to start your wedding on time. If you don’t, everything will run behind schedule, and that can create real problems at your reception location, especially if there is another event scheduled following yours. If you must delay the start of your ceremony -- perhaps because guests are still arriving -- do so by not more than 10 minutes.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Catering: Planning a Typical Nigerian Wedding Menu

image: jafel media 

Your Wedding dress is set, you have selected the best location for your reception, so what next? Foodyes food is the next major deal. Food is important as well as the ceremony. Your guest has to be feed and entertained. Have you ever heard people say; “I have to eat before going to that wedding in case the food is not enough or I don’t like the food served in the reception.” Yea I have heard that a lot of time. 

In planning a Nigerian wedding, catering is one of the most stressful parts. Whether huge or small one. Therefore, a lot of details must be considered when planning your menu – finding the right caterer or catering yourself, carefully sorting out menu to march your event and satisfying your guests. Here are some foods you need consider when planning your wedding.

Typical Nigerian Wedding Menu                          
  • Spring Rolls
  • Samosa
  • Masa
  • Chin-chin
  • Stick Meat
  • Prawn Crackers
Main Dishes
  • Jollof Rice
  • Fried Rice
  • White Rice
  • Fried Plantain
  • Moi-Moi
  • Vegetable Salad
  • Chicken in stew
  • Fish in stew
  • Beef in stew
  • Goat Meat in stew
  •  Assorted Meat in stew
  • Fried Snail
  • Yam Porridge
  • Meatball Sauce
  • Egusi
  • Ogbono
  • Efo Riro
  • Afang
  • Pounded Yam/Eba/Semovita/Amala/starch

Remember, most Nigerians are not very adventurous with food. They stick to what they know, so do the needful, don’t waste time and money trying to be adventurous. 

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Wedding Destination Calabar - See Beautiful Sight and Scene of Calabar For your Wedding Reception.

obudu resort
Wedding party or reception is a gathering that take place immediately at the completion of a marriage ceremony. This party is held to entertain those who came for the wedding. the couple entertain their guest with music, food and drink.

 A typical Nigerian wedding reception is characterised with a lot of glitz and glamour, its decorated with colours of the couples choice, with a lot of flowers and ribbon. decorating for an average wedding reception can cost about 100-120 thousand Naira. more pic after cut
obudu mountain resort
Calabar is the home of beauty and hospitality in Nigeria, with a lot of beautiful places for you to hold your wedding reception.
tinapa business resort
Calabar has breath-taking scenery that can make your wedding picture worth looking at. your guest will be glad you brought them out to paradise on earth. Calabar is blessed with the magnificent obudu mountain resort, Afi mountain wildlife sanctuary,cross river national park and many more. it has waterfalls e.g the Agbokim and kwa, the famous tinapa business resort and a whole lots of fun places.
you can take advantage of this beautiful and fun places to host your guest during your wedding reception. if you a lover of carnivals, why not fix your wedding reception towards December - Calabar carnival will surely blow your mind away.

So why spend a lot on decorations when you can get beautiful place decorated by nature for your wedding reception.

What are you waiting for....Email us today for that life experience you and your guest wouldn't forget in a hurry

Saturday 18 April 2015

BESTMAN 101 - 10 Things you Must Know, to Be A Better Bestman

In Nigeria, the duties of a best man is enormous, you practically run everything from planning to execution. Being asked to be the best man in a wedding is a great Honor. Therefore, be proud that you ask to be one.
as the saying goes “Great power comes with great responsibility” As best man, you are saddle with special responsibilities – you are a hand-holder as you help the groom come through this nerve-racking experience with flying colours, You will also serve as the groom's personal aide and adviser before and during the wedding. Here are some of your responsibilities:

1.As the best man you are to help the groom choose and buys a wedding suit, coordinate the other groomsmen’s wear. You are to make sure that everyone is uniformly matched. You may be expected to arrange accommodations for out-of-town relatives and guest of the couple.

2.The best man Organises the bachelor party, it is advisable you enlisting other groomsmen to help you out, most guys don't mind this duty. Also finances should not worry you – the cost should be split among everyone who attends the bash.

3.As the best man you are also expected to attend the marriage counselling with the bride and groom and all other rehearsal before the wedding, this is your chance to figure out things expected of you during the wedding service and how you're supposed to walk down that aisle.

4.The best man Stand beside the groom at the altar and keep the bride's ring until vows are exchanged.

5.Supervise the other guys and make sure they're performing their groomsman duties.

6.Sign the marriage certificate as a witness after the ceremony, along with the maid of   Honor.

7.Wait for it! As the best man you will be call upon to give the first toast to the bride and groom at the reception, this is probably the biggest and most frightening duty you will face.

8.You are to collect any gift items and envelopes guests bring to the reception and make sure that they save and properly kept.

9.Organise the wedding after party for the couple, groomsmen, bridesmaids, maid of Honor and all a sundry.

10.He Drive the couple to the wedding-night hotel or to the airport to be air lifted to their honeymoon.

My advise

The wedding will be over in the blink of an eye, so remember to enjoy yourself at the reception. After all, you're there to celebrate the happiest day of your best friend's life.

YOU can add up to list by send us email or dropping your comments.

Thursday 16 April 2015

Traditional Wedding Right of Isoko People in Delta State Nigeria

The groom to be with his family members (about 5 -10) visit the bride’s home to introduce and make known their intention to the brides parent. They mostly use words like, “we saw a beautiful flower or a she-goat and will want to take it along with us, sir we need your permission”.

On arrival on a specific day, the girl’s family entertain their guest with drinks and kola nut, and then the girl’s father gives his guest money for their trouble finding his way to his house. The groom family will reciprocate by offering the girls family their own drinks and kola nut, then paying back two times the money they gave them earlier.
They will be merriment with a lot of food and drink, then after entering his guest the girl father will bring out all his daughters, sisters even older women for the groom to identify his future wife. This is done to test if he actually knows who he wants. If the girl is seek is not among the ladies brought out for him, he can demand for the particular person he seek. When she comes out and he identify her, they is applauds and singing all over the place.

At this second coming the groom presents his gift (different type of drinks and kola nut), the girl will be summoned and she will be asked if she knew the man and want to marry the him. She has to agree to marry the man before his gift will be accepted and for the ceremony to processed.
The girl’s father introduce the man to some of his family member about 5-10 and about 5-3 of the mother’s family. The groom must visit these people one after the other and he must fulfill every request they ask of him.

Then a date is fixed where all the parent family will meet with the prospective groom, this is done to join both family ones more, the bride price is negotiated and agreed on. List of required items needed by the girl’s parent is given to the man to buy or pay the equivalent.

The tradition wedding ceremony is filled with funfair and celebration, with a lot of food and drinks to go round. The peak of the occasion is when the community represented by the elders comes to make their own demands, a certificate will be presented to the couple after all requirement is meant. The document will be signed by the couple, these certificate authenticate the union. The amount paid for the certificate is ranging from N5000 above for a groom from within that community while those from outside will pay N10000 and above.

After everything the bride will be sent off with kitchen utensil, home gadget, boxes of clothes and wrapper.

For full list of items required for the traditional wedding and the community call us on 08065250773

Inbox us or drop your comments for information

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Big and Fabulous.......Making A Statement With Your Plus Size Wedding Dress.

Whether  slim or fat every woman want to look stunning on her wedding day, therefore when it comes to finding that jaw-dropping dresses a great deal of hard work and research need to be put in place to achieve such purpose. Here are some basic rules you need to put into consideration.
Buy what makes you happy.......Don't by any means allow the sales person push you into buying a wedding dress your not 100% happy with. It their duty to make you buy a dress even if it does not fit you perfectly. Don't scarifies your happiness to please the sales person. Check the next bridal...

If you got it flaunt it.........Never be afraid to emphasis on your valuable assets. You are on a big side yes!! we know; show off your best features, it wouldn't hurt - if you have a curvy body and a killer back side flaunt them, its your wedding day, you have to stand out. There are dresses on the shelf that are made for specification, all you need do is ask!!

Comfort....... For most big Nigerian ladies the issue of comfort-ability on their wedding day can not be over emphasized. it is better to wear a wedding dress that allow circulation and movement than to wear one that suffocate you, just because you see the dress as a perfect wedding dress - remember our weddings intakes a lot of moving-around, sitting and dancing with long hours of waiting.

Don't buy a wedding dress smaller than your size........ As the saying goes it is "better to prevent than to cure". You have said to your self "am going to lose some weight before my wedding day" and went ahead to order for a smaller dress than what you normally wear - this could be a bad move. Am not saying losing weight is not a good thing, but what if your plan didn't go as planned, that means you have to spend more money to get another wedding dress.

My advise is get a wedding dress of your size, then go ahead with your weight lose program. Your wedding dress can be reduced to march your new body size.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Traditional Wedding Right of Yala, LGA In Cross-River Nigeria.

image source:namyweeding
Yala local government area is in the northern senatorial district of cross river state. They are bounded in the north by Benue state and east by ogaja local government, in the west by Ebonyi state. Yala people speak Igede, ukile and yache language respectively.

The man (groom to be) pays a visit to the girl’s parent in company of his family members and friends. Making his intention known to his in-laws, with them is a token of gift – drinks (alcohol and non-alcohol); a date will be fixed for the second coming, so also to enable the girls parent informed his people about the issue.
Prior the second coming a list of item to be bought will be given to the groom, this item will be use on the main day to finalize the marriage rite.

The bride’s family is in charge of providing food for everyone; they will be music and dance. All the drinks that will be taken in the whole events will be provided by the groom and his people. After the merriment, prayers are offered to the almighty for the unification of the two families – An elder from the girl’s family will lead the prayers. Alcoholic spirit (seaman Aromatic schnapps) must be use during the prayers; this is also provided by groom’s people. A token is given to the bride’s parent in a ratio of 2:1 (maybe father N10000 and mother N5000)
After all rights are fulfilled, the bride’s parent will give his in-laws a carton of beer as a take home. This drink must not be taken from the abundant the groom and his people brought along with them – it has to be purchased by d bride’s parent.
The yala people do not pay bride price but there are items the groom needs to provide for the community and for the bride’s parent. Sometimes the groom may provide the clothes to be worn on the traditional marriage ceremonies for the bride’s parent.

Contact us for complete yala people marriage right List... call08065250073

we will be happy to welcome your comments and observations

Friday 10 April 2015

Reducing Wedding Cost AND Still Have Your Dream Come True

Budgeting in wedding is very important, it help you to manage cost and expenses. To have that beautiful wedding you have dreamt of and working with a limited budget, there are wedding formalities you can avoid and yet, have your beautiful wedding – one that must people still count among their favourite, several years later. For any of you stressing about all the details you have been told to include in your wedding, here are some you can skipped.


To have this party can be fun and enjoyable. But don’t think that your wedding will be the best by having this bachelorette party. Remove such thought – that because you don’t have these parties your wedding will be any less special or your marriage any less valid.


Throwing an engagement party is not a sign that your wedding will be splendid or be the best, rather save the money and use it for your wedding proper. The party gift, attention and accolades you seek will be abundant at your wedding.


You don’t need a professional makeup artist to make you feel good and beautiful about yourself. Gets a friend or relative who is good in that aspect to help out, thereby saving enough money for you.


This is not needed for you to have a good wedding, I think you have seen and attended enough wedding for you to figure out how to walk down an aisle without practising.


Skip the wedding planner, all what you need, can be found on the Internet for free. Assign duties to your families and friends, you will be amazed how perfectly things will turnout at the end of the day.


You don’t need expensive wedding dress; in fact your wedding can go on perfectly even without you wearing a wedding gown. I have never seen where an officiating minister refuses to join couple together because the bride was wearing less expensive dress. So why bother yourself with things that are of no importance.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Dishes Commonly Served In Nigerian Wedding Parties Today

Most Nigerians whether rich or poor loves ceremonies; house warning party, birthday and especially wedding ceremonies. For many people, the most important moment in a typical Nigerian wedding is the menu that will be served – So most wedding organizers take time to choose the kind of food and drinks that guests will love.
These days, our local dishes are gradually taking the lead on Nigerian wedding menu. In facts, these foods are one of the top reasons why people attend wedding at times.
Here are some of the foods commonly served in Nigerian wedding today.
1.EGUSI/OKASI SOUP AND FUFU. This is mostly eaten by the igbo people in the eastern part of Nigeria.

2.In the western part of Nigeria, Amala and Ewedu soup is the most common food served at wedding reception.

3.TUWU SHINKAFA DA MEYA KUBEWA ..... is mostly served in the northern part Nigeria, wedding ceremonies are not complete without this food. Tuwu shinkafa(rice ball) and meya kubewa(okra soup) is prepare with dried fish, meat, spices and seasoning.

4.In the southern part of the country we have food like OGHWO SOUP AND STARCH common with isokos, urhobos and itsekire. Also there is AFANG SOUP AND FUFU common among the Akwa ibom and cross-rivers people

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Tips For A Long Lasting Marriage - Advice From Grandma

 Have you ever wondered what is really keeping our old folks or grandparent so crazy in love with each other after so many years? Your guess is as good as mine.
One day I asked my grandmother what is really the secret of their longevity, here are some of the things she told me. Hope you find them help full.
1.Do not take your love for each other for granted; always show affection to your partner – with kind words, care, encouragement.

2.Never you down-grade each other, see him or her less than you because no one is perfect, mistakes are bound to happen, always show appreciation on each other strength and forget about the flaws.

3.For you to live peacefully with anybody, you have to be friends first. Therefore, for couples to stay together for a long they must be friends and remain friends.

4.Eating together as a family also bond couples together, at the dinner table you have the opportunity to discuss your day, work and aspirations, and then proffer solution to each other challenges. 

Monday 6 April 2015

Things Ladies Do When They Are Engaged

Getting Engage in Nigeria these days, is becoming so difficult even more than seeking for admission into a prestigious university or finding a good job.
As some lady may say that serious and eligible men are not easy to come by, so when they find one and finally get engage – she screams, tell everyone who cares to known about her happiness. No wonder engaged lady exhibits some funny character afterwards. Here are some things they do and may not take note of.

Every little discussion with their friend they always relate it or make reference of the matter been discussed to their man – his kindness, caring heart and how he proposed to her. Sometimes they tell u their proposal story even without been asked; they are never tired of telling their story.

Whether consciously or unconsciously most ladies tend to show off their engagement ring, they want everyone to notice the rock on her finger. Some even shake the hand where the ring is on vigorously to draw attention to the ring...... as the saying goes “if got it flaunt it”.

Some ladies are obsessed with their engagement ring, even if there are not jewellery freak. They can’t stop looking at their ring. I can’t help but wonder – will the ring disappear. Why looking at it all the time? I need answers.

My word of advice to engaged ladies......... 

Like it or not there may be someone – your friend or family member. Who may not be happy WITH your engagement and will not be supportive, don’t be surprise when its happens.