Monday 28 September 2015

Photos - Celebrities at Comedian AY's Brother Lanre Makun Wedding Reception

Remember I brought you news about Nigerian comedian AY whose brother Lanre Makun had his traditional wedding some days ago in Owerri.  

Today Lanre Makun and Joy Ofoebu were joined in a stylish wedding that attracts lots of Celebrities in the entertainment industry. Here are pictures of Celebrities that grace the glamorous white wedding reception in Lagos.
Image source:Exlink lodge

4 Things to Consider – When Planning Your Civil Wedding.

When you want to legalize your marriage or planning a civil wedding in any marriage Registry, there are steps and requirements you need know. Firstly you should approach the Registrar of Civil Marriages to declare your intention. It is important for you to be conversant of what to expect and gather information on how to proceed. In this article we will be looking at factors or things that will be an impediment to your smooth ride in getting your civil wedding legalized in any marriage registry in Nigeria.

Subsisting Marriage
According to the Marriage Act – Parties will lack the capacity to embark on a civil wedding if either of them is already married under the Act to another person and the marriage has not been dissolved by any court of law. In addition, section 33 (1) of the Marriage Act states that no marriage in Nigeria shall be valid where either of the parties thereto at the time of the celebration of such marriage is married by native law or custom to any other person other than the person with whom such marriage is had. The Registrar must be satisfied that there is no subsisting statutory or customary law marriage on the part of the parties wishing to marry under the Act, he shall not issue them with a certificate to marry under the Act.

Age is an important factor that is considered to have civil wedding in any marriage registry. According to the Marriage Act which states ‘that unless a party is a widow or widower, there is need to obtain the written consent of either the parents or guardians where such person is under the age of twenty-one years’. ‘The Act further provides in section 49 that whoever shall marry or assist any person to marry a minor under the age of twenty-one years, not being a widow or widower, shall be liable to imprisonment for two years’. Consent In a civil wedding, parental consent of both the male and female parties is a legal requirement but only in cases where either or both of the parties are under the age of twenty-one years.

In a civil wedding, parental consent of both the male and female parties is a legal requirement but only in cases where either or both of the parties are under the age of twenty-one years. 

Kindred and Affinity
If anyone plans to get a civil wedding there must make sure that there is no impediment of kindred or affinity between them. The list of prohibited degrees of consanguinity and affinity applies to statutory marriages and it is provided in Schedule 1 of the Matrimonial Causes Act (MCA). A Registrar will not honour any parties with a certificate to marry unless satisfied by reason of a sworn affidavit by the parties that there is no such impediment. A marriage between two persons who are within the prohibited degree of consanguinity or affinity is void. Under section 4 of the MCA, where persons are within the prohibited degrees of affinity and desire to marry, they may apply in writing to a Judge for permission to do so and if the Judge is satisfied that there are exceptional circumstances, the Judge may by an order permit the parties to marry one another. This is what the prohibited degrees of consanguinity and affinity have to say:

Marriage of a man is prohibited if the woman is, or has been his:

           Consanguinity                                                             Affinity
Wife’s mother
Wife’s grandmother
Wife’s daughter
Father’s sister
Wife’s son’s daughter
Mother’s sister
Wife’s son’s daughter
Brother’s sister
Wife’s daughter’s daughter
Sister’s daughter
Father’s wife
Son’s wife
Grandfather’s wife
Son’s son’s wife

Daughter’s son’s wife

Marriage of a woman is prohibited if the man is, or has been her:

Husband’s father
Husband’s grandfather
Father’s brother
Husband’s son’s son
Mother’s brother 
Husband’s daughter’s son
Brother’s son
Mother’s husband
Son’s daughter’s husband
Grandmother’s husband
Daughter’s daughter’s husband

When all these requirements have been satisfied the Registrar can then give a go ahead for the civil wedding to take place.

The family arises from marriage. Parents, children, and family members form what is called building block of a society. If the family is the primary unit of any society, therefore, the sanctity of marriage is crucial to the moral fabric of every society. For any society to be free from social vices, the marriage institution must be free from all sorts of lies and deceits. The Marriage Act is put together to ensure morals and uprightness and to maintain the sanctity of our society.

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Wednesday 23 September 2015

Steps and Requirements involve with marriage Registry in Nigeria

Marriage Registry in Nigeria has witness a steady increase in the last decade; studies have shown that about 40-50% newly wedded couple had a civil wedding alone this year. People now see the importance of marriage registry – it is recognized by the law and serves as an evidence of a marriage contract between couples.

Today we have three types of marriages acknowledged by law in Nigeria. These are Traditional/customary marriage, Registry and Religious marriage. For the purpose of this article we will be looking at the process and requirement of marriage Registry in Nigeria.
Civil Marriage is conducted in any Federal marriage registry, State and Local government registries throughout the country. All what you need do is to walk into any one closest to you to start the wedding process.

Marriage Registry Processes
Once you are in any marriage registry, you will obtain a form from the registry to indicate your intention to marry. The form is a Notice Form or otherwise called Form A where you and your bride will fill in your personal details including Name, Age, Address, Occupation, Marital status, Consent (minor under 21 years), Signature etc.

You will also need to submit two coloured passport photographs. If your partner is a foreigner then photocopy of international passport showing the data page and the visa page is require. The form is then posted on the Notice Board at the registry for 21 days. The notice is also entered in a book called the Marriage Notice Book; you can check upon your names in the marriage book to be sure it has been entered, but this attracts some little charges.

Ø  If you are you looking forward to get married before the 21 days notice of observance, then you have to pay about (10000 – 15000) naira depending on the registry to acquire a special  license.

After the end of the 21 days notice, you required to pay a Prescribed Fee (this differs at each registry), the Registrar would issue a Form C

The Swearing In
Before the swearing-in, the couple must have met the criteria stipulated by law to go ahead with the process. Three forms Is given to the couple to fill.
The Affidavit form– This is to indicate that you are more than 21 years, never been married and so on. If divorced, a divorce letter must be presented.
Prohibited Degree Form – This form shows the list of people you are legally allowed to marry or not to marry.
Information Slip – This short slip requires you to provide information that would later be transferred to the wedding certificate e.g Groom’s Fathers name, Bride’s Fathers name, name of witness.

You will then take an oath with the Bible or Koran depending on your beliefs to declare the accuracy of the information provided.

Upon proof that there is no lawful impediment to the proposed marriage, and that the necessary consent, if any, to such marriage has been obtained, the Minister will dispense with the giving of notice, issue the certificate, and grant his/her license, known as Form D, authorizing the celebration of a marriage between the parties named in such license.
The couple then selects a date for the wedding, usually within three months from the date the notice was placed with the Marriage registry.

Wedding Day
On the wedding day, the couple along their family members and friends should arrive promptly to finalize the marriage proceedings because the ceremony is usually not longer than 30 minutes and there are waiting in line to do theirs. The officiating minister will fill up in duplicate a marriage certificate with the particulars required by Form E, and enter in the counterfoil the number of the certificate, the date of the marriage, names of the parties, and the names of the witnesses. This is then signed by the couple and then their witness, one is kept in the registry office, one taken to the state office and one is given to the couple for their keeps.
What to Wear
  1. Wedding dresses and Suits
  2. Native attire
  3. Corporate ensemble
  4. (Please note that short sleeves, shorts and jeans are not allowed)
Expected Expenses
1.       Notice form – #7000
2.       Prescribe fee – #3000
3.       Wedding date fee – #2000(weekdays) #5000(weekends)
4.       Wedding ring  (2) – depends on couple
5.       Wedding dresses – depends on couple
6.       Photograph – get any of your relatives to capture the moment on any camera enable device.
7.       Some money in an envelope to appreciate the registrars/officiating minister (optional)
8.       1 carton of malt drink, 1 carton of biscuits or snacks for registry staffs.

Please note that these expenses varies with different marriage registries

image:jafel media

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Tuesday 15 September 2015

Items Required for Bride Price Payment Ceremony Of Okrika People’s Marriage Customs

bride-price items
Bride price Payment ceremony with Okrika people is an important aspect of their traditional marriage rites. A woman is only regarded as a married woman when her bride price is paid. She may have had other forms of marriages, her marriage is only recognized when the groom had done the necessary things required – paying of bride price. Therefore, bride price payment ceremony is the most important segment in Okrika marriage customs. So for guys planning to marry an Okrika girl, this is what you should expect, please note that brideprice list is subject to change according to family customs and educational background of the bride.

Comprehensive Bride Price List of Okrika people in River state.

1)      For the Father

·         pieces of Holland’s Wax
·         1 native shirt
·         1 hat
·         1 big towel
·         1 pair of shoes and socks
·         1 walking stick
·         1 wristwatch
·         1 dozen pairs of underwear
·         1 she goat with N10, 000.00 for cutting goat’s head
·         Matchet with cover and beet
·         20 cartons of  beer
·         2 cartons of brandy
·         3 bottles of 3 in one whisky
·         1 carton of wine
·         5 crates of (Soft drinks)
·         4 crates of malt drink
·         4 heads of Tobacco
·         1 bottle of grinded snuff
·         4 line stones
·         4 bunches of cola nuts
·         1 small basin and knife for the cola nuts
·         15 Jars of palm wine
·         20 liters of native gin
·         1 brief case with N150, 000.00
·          Bitter kola

2)      For the Mother             

·         2 pieces of Wax and one material lace (fabric varies)
·         3 assorted blouses
·         Head tie (canopy)
·         Pairs of shoes
·         One wrist watch + 1 dozen of brassieres
·         A hand bag and 6 pairs of underwear
·         1 big basin full of crayfish with cover
·         1 big basin full of pepper with cover
·         3 bags of salt
·         1 umbrella
·         1 suitcase with N50, 000.00
·         1 carton of wine
·         1 big bottle of wine
·         4 crates of malt drink
·         4 crates of (soft drinks)
·          1 bag of rice
·          5 tubers of yams

Family members:
Ø  3 cartons of beer, 1 bottles of liquor, 3 Jars of palm wine, 1 roll of cigarette, 1 pack of matches and Cash - N10, 000.00

Ø  Food items, Football, 1 bottle of gin , 1 roll of cigarette, 1 packet of matches, N2, 000.00 or more (this is negotiable), 73 bottles of hot drinks and 4 kegs of palm wine
*And other items as listed by the youth leader
Ø  Grandfather and Uncles:
Piece of wax loin cloth, 1 long sleeves shirt, 1 bottle of brandy, 1 wristwatch.
Mother’s people
Ø  1 carton of beer, 1 bottle of brandy, 1 Jar of palm wine, 1 piece of English wax, 1 long sleeves shirt, 1 bag of salt,  malt drink,  basket of onions, yam, palm oil,

Unmarried girls (bride’s age group)
Ø  2 crates of  malt drink, soft drink, 2 packets of cabin biscuit, chewing stick,

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