Saturday 20 June 2015

Activities Nigerian Ladies Need Avoid Few Days Before Their Wedding Day
With just a few days left before the big day, you already knows what to do. Now meet the don't!  Here we have six things you need to avoid at all costs.

Intense exercise

Stick to the routine you've been doing, now is not the time to intensify or create new moves. Pulled muscles can take weeks to heal, and you definitely don't want to be too sore to get down on the dance floor. If your goal is to lose weight, make sure to start a new fitness program well before your dress fittings. And if you're just looking for an amazing way to relieve pre-wedding stress, grab a friend for a quick walk or run in the park.


Alcoholic drinks – beer, whisky, palm-wine, wine etc., they carries a lot of calories, so you may want to cut back even earlier than the week before your wedding. As for immediate effects, alcohol can make you look and feel puffy due its sulphur-bearing gases and other qualities that weaken your digestive system. (And who wants to say "I do" feeling like a marshmallow?) What's more, alcohol dilates your blood vessels, which can make you look awkward in your wedding-picture.

Hair Colour

Even if your hair stylist is the absolute best, avoid making changes to your hair within a week of your wedding," says Vera Ekpere, hairstylist

Starchy/spicy food

Eating red-hot foods like peppers before the wedding is a bad idea; spicy food can make you feel flushed, break you out in a sweat and give you heartburn, indigestion and bad breath. Foods high in carbohydrates can give you intestinal gas, especially bread and cereal. Other starchy foods, such as corn, potatoes and pasta can be equally as tough on your digestive tract, and if you over-indulge, the added calories will go straight to your hips and other part of your, making it difficult to fit into your wedding gown.

Changing Your Makeup

"Sometimes brides panic at the last minute that they've got too much or too little makeup on," says Jodie Hazlewood. "That's why during the trial—when they're in a much more rational state of mind, I give brides a chance to try out different looks." At the end of the day, trust in your makeup artist, who takes your skin type, age, hairstyle, wedding colour palette, and the time, location, and style of your day into consideration when designing your look. Modern bridal makeup is a little like red carpet makeup, It needs to look good on HD video cameras, professional cameras, personal camera phones, in bright light and candlelight, as well as last for hours

Keeping Late Night

Do you Stay up all night planning your ceremony programs? Find a dutiful friend to fill in and get some sleep! When we are deprived of sleep, our bodies produce more ghrelin, the hormone that tells us when to eat, and less leptin, and the hormone that tells us when to put down the fork. It's a diet-destroying combo, especially if you're reaching for junk food. Salty snacks make you bloat, not to mention the fact that eating foods with no nutritional value can leave you feeling sluggish.

Sleep deprivation also affects your immune system. "You're more likely to get a viral infection if you haven't been getting enough sleep," says Dr. Frank Lipman, Logging enough shut-eye also improves your complexion, rids your eyes of dark circles, and—let's face it—makes you a happier, calmer bride.

Monday 15 June 2015

Photographer’s Angle - Great Tips for a Nigerian bride to Look Beautiful in Her wedding pictures

Every bride wishes and dream of a perfect wedding day – a day that will linger on for a very long time on the lips of her friends. 

Here's the secret - have more fun than everyone else! Your wedding is only the beginning; you are embarking on the start of your married life together. Focus on your new life together, and how excited you are to marry this person. The way you gaze at each other will reveal this passion, and it will allow the photographer to capture those moments.

Be up-front about your expectations: Inform the photographer and videographer well in advance the type of shots you want to be taken so that he or she can learn positioning and style. Don't be afraid to tell him of a style you got out of a magazine photo or to request photographs of special heirlooms or wedding day accessories. 

Pre-Wedding Photo shoot: Let's face it; those "Magazine Bride” photos that you see are planned, practiced, and picked from hundreds of options. Planning a pre- wedding shoot will undoubtedly improve your pictures. This practice will give the photographer the chance to capture that special once in a lifetime moment for you. 

Scheduling a set time for the photo session: In order minimize picture-taking time during reception hour, try to take a majority of the formal pictures before the ceremony. Some photos could be the bridesmaids, groomsmen, the bride with her family, and the groom with his. If you're traditional, you can wait until after the ceremony to involve the bride and groom together. 

Know about restrictions: Get consent from the ceremony location as to where photographs and video are allowed. Many churches, synagogues, mosques and chapels have specific areas that cannot be photographed or filmed, so make sure to check with them before the big day.

Find time for intimate shots: Let the photographer take shots of just you and your special someone. Try sneaking off to a remote location for a few minutes to capture a truly loving moment that will definitely highlight your wedding album. 

Breathe, relax, and smile: The brides who take the best pictures are always the ones who smile the most, and look as though they don't have a care in the world. While this day is to share with friends and loved ones, it's really about the wedding couple. Enjoy your wedding: laugh, smile, and gaze at your new husband/wife. Forget about the cameras and flashes and have fun! 

Friday 12 June 2015

Bloating: Foods and Drinks to Avoid Before and During your Wedding

After all the work you’ve put into your wedding day, the last thing you want is an upset stomach, bloating, or a gas problem. Nervousness, excitement, and all the other emotions you’ll experience on your big day are enough to deal with – you don’t want to add to the problems by eating the wrong foods. We have listed a couple of foods to avoid before the wedding, take a look.

Water is the best thing to drink before your wedding. Avoid coffee, tea, sodas, energy drink, and other caffeinated products as much as possible. If you’re a daily coffee or soft drink consumer, at least limit the amount you have that morning. Caffeine reduces the amount of water in the body and can lead to dehydration during the ceremony – often a cause of fainting at the altar. 

Staying a safe distance away from the salt shaker is a good way to reduce the amount of sodium in your diet, but salt is a sneaky ingredient that hides in common foods, like hamburger, canned soups, frozen meals and processed cheese.
Consuming too much salt means you'll retain excess water, making you feel heavier – a problem that no bride wants to deal with. Aim to stay under 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day throughout your engagement, and eat fresh vegetables and other organic foods as much as possible.

No matter whether you're into real sugar or artificial sweetener, neither is very good for you, especially in large quantities. Consuming too many sweets can alter blood sugar levels, not to mention add girth to your waistline. It's especially important to avoid sugar-free candy, diet soda and artificial sweeteners; the body has a difficult time digesting the sugar alcohol found in these foods, leaving your body bloated and uncomfortable. Satisfy any cravings for treats in moderation with natural alternatives like raw honey or maple syrup, and unleash your sweet tooth when you cut the cake at the reception! 

Starchy foods
Starches are also foods associated with bloating and gas. Stay away from potatoes, pasta, and rice on the day of and the day before the wedding. Corn and breads can have similar effects – try wraps or pita bread for sandwiches if you need a snack before the wedding. 

Too much toasting before the wedding can leave you puffy, along with a sour stomach and pounding head, so steer clear of alcohol until the champagne toast at your reception. Most alcoholic beverages are high in calories and have the uncanny ability to increase your appetite, resulting in added pounds before you say, "I do." Avoid drinking alcohol in the two weeks leading up to the big day, but if you must, order a cocktail that's low calorie, like a gin and tonic, and resist partaking in a second round!

Eating red-hot foods like peppers before the wedding is a bad idea; spicy food can make you feel flushed, break you out in a sweat and give you heartburn, indigestion and bad breath. Curry is perhaps the worst offender -- a tasty ingredient found in many Indian-inspired dishes, curry is almost guaranteed to leave your pearly whites with a dingy, yellow tint.

Fast food

While fast food may be a quick, convenient meal for a busy bride on-the-go, it's important to stay away from the super-size menus. Since the majority of fast food is processed, it's low in nutrients and high in sugar, salt and fat, which can slow digestion and add weight to your frame. Cut fast food from your diet in the months before the wedding as much as possible, and eat healthy foods high in monounsaturated fats instead, like avocados, peanut butter and raw nuts.

Diary product

Dairy doesn't affect everyone in the same way, but it can give some people a terrible case of cramps and bad gas. To ensure you feel your best on the big day, steer clear of cheese, yogurt and milk, especially if your stomach is already tied in knots with nerves! Dairy products are likely to only make a sensitive tummy feel worse. However, before you turn your back on the dairy aisle at the grocery store, consider adding Greek yogurt to your diet; it contains active cultures known as probiotics that help digestion and boost your immune system.

Onions are anti-inflammatory and fight bacteria and infection, and they're high in polyphenols, meaning onions could help prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. Red onions are even believed to improve the memory because they contain flavonol quercetin, an antioxidant that benefits the brain.
However, even though onions are good for your health and lend salads, sandwiches and other foods a tasty kick, they can also leave you with an offensive odour and very bad breath. Avoid this potent vegetable two to three days before the wedding to ensure you walk down the aisle smelling like a rose -- with fresh breath in anticipation of your first blissful kiss as man and wife.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Top Qualities To Look For in a Beautiful Nigerian Woman Before You Say I do.... Part 2

She is a good Communicator
Communication – it is of utmost importance in any kind of relationship, it is key to a good and solid marriage. If you do not communicate your facts and problems or thoughts they will never get to reach your man. Find time to sit and talk with your husband on a daily basis even if it is for only half an hour, also be a good listener when he is talking. You don’t want your marriage on the rocks, right? So start sharing with your husband whatever is going on in your mind.

This is one thing that men absolutely hate in most women. We know that after marriage, your husband is now part of you and you want to share your entire grievance, insecurities, problems and demands with him, but there’re limit to everything. The truth is that your nagging can create unwanted rift or can make things worse between the two of you. To choose a proper time to pick a quarrel, night is the time. Not immediately after your husband comes home from work or when he is at work. Nobody likes women nagging all the time and this nagging is such a dangerous quality that might even lead to infidelity on the husband’s part.

Surprise him
Make your man speechless with surprises planned for him. Men like surprises too like women do, men like to feel pampered once in a while. So ladies, don’t wait for some special occasion. It does not require any special day to profess your love to your man. Plan a beautiful surprise, romantic or adventurous and woo him all over again. You will see how crazily in love he is going to be with you.

Create room for Happiness
Your man’s state of mind depends on you to a larger extent. It’s your duty, ladies, to keep your husband satisfied in every manner. Keep a healthy environment at home, have good sex, cook good food, be friendly, respect your in-laws, share, discuss and find solution to problems jointly, and your husband will thank the Almighty for gifting him such a mature and understanding better half .

You let him contribute to you.
Men are meant to be the head of a home. They want to be rock stars for their women. You are able to embody being beautifully empowered and independent, while being receptive and appreciative of what your man wants to give you. You are easy to contribute to.

When in a relationship, you must bring down your hyper-individualism. Count on him for things. Really count on him, so if he doesn’t do things you want done, leave it undone. And if it does go undone, gently remind him that you are counting on him. 95% of the time, your guy simply missed the communication or forgot.
Other qualities are being responsible, get alone with spouse friend and families, selfless, Ambitious, Cleanliness, Patients, Give him space etc. 

Life isn’t a fairy tale
Life is not the same as what we see in the movies or story books. Women love to dream about a lot of things; the perfect husband, the perfect home, furniture and fittings in their houses, their kitchen and so on. Reality is quite different from your dreams, sometimes even harsh too. So ladies wake up and embrace real life with what it has to offer. I advise you to come to terms with reality and accept the fact that the house, your husband, your in-laws are way different from what you had imagined, that’s when you will have a perfect marriage.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Top Qualities To Look For in a Beautiful Nigerian Woman Before You Say I do.... Part 1

jafel media
One day in was my study thinking about the qualities of an amazing woman that can make her irresistible in the eyes of her dream man…… these had me to spent days researching on this topic so as to drive home some credible points. I found it interesting that when it comes to love, men want to give it to a woman who has the potential to become their wife.

These are some qualities that inspire men to give their heart fully.

A good woman add positively into his life
Some men have bad table manner, eating, sleeping and other bad habits. You can be of positive influence in his life and help change his bad habits. Be an example to him, the type that he himself can follow and be proud of. Be the reason he would want to change himself and be a better person, you will be surprise how he would thank you and proudly announce you for revising his personality.

She should be self-developed
Men love a woman who is intelligent, articulate, and open minded, he is going to be spending a lot of time with her, so she should be able to hold a good conversation. She should be wise, smart, and give you good advice. His women’s intuition should be strong. He should look to you all the time for advice.

She Respect her man:
If you want to be respected treat others with respect too. Haven’t we all heard ‘respect is reciprocal ’. Respect can be reflected in the way one talks and behaves. Always speak in a loving and refrain from speaking in a harsh manner. A good wife respects her hubby and she never chooses to belittle, humiliate or otherwise harm him in private nor in public. It is better to watch what you say and to think your thoughts through before speaking as it is not possible to take back the words once they have been spoken. A good wife will treat her man with respect no matter where she found herself.

She always got his back
A Good woman is supportive and also understanding especially in times of troubles. A good wife stands with her hubby through his successes and failures and provides reassurance when he's feeling down. She love and respect him no matter the conditions – supporting him in all stages of his career and life. Do not belittle your man or hurt his ego. It is often heard that ‘a wife can make a man or break a man’. Be proud of him on his accomplishments and genuinely complement him. If you do this you can expect your husband to behave with you in the same manner and also respect you more for your support.

A Woman should be trustworthy
Women should inspire trustworthiness within their men. Men if you don’t trust your woman, you’re probably making her as bitter as you’re making yourself. Not worth it. If you can’t trust her, maybe you’re not ready to date her or maybe you need to work on confidence issues within yourself. If there’s good reason not to trust her, don’t even go there. Just like any cheater, it’s bound to happen again.

She appreciates and accepts his financial status
As a woman, you are clear about your financial comfort zone, and you should be aware of your partner’s financial abilities. Appreciate and work with the little he can provide. Know his budget to run your home before you get married.
Get real with yourself. If a “simple life” to him translates as “destitute and poor” to you, you need to find someone who is on the same economic page as you. Do not go into denial because you are in love and then complain about his job choice and your shared standard of living after you are married.................

continued in the next page

Thursday 4 June 2015

Start a Savings Plan Today At ARM LIFE for That Dream Wedding......

Are you making the most of your money?
Have you stopped to think about how you are going to pay for:
  • The wedding you have always dreamt of?
  • The deposit on the home you want?
  • That overseas trip or family holiday?
  • The education you want to be able to give your children?
  • Any outstanding debt that you owe?
  • Your retirement?
 For a relatively small amount of money, if something happens to you, you have made sure that your family and loved ones get a payout when they need it most.
The Savings Plan gives you peace of mind about future expenses. And if something happens to you and you can’t earn the money you and your family need, you know that their financial burden will be a lot less
 Call me on 08065250773 for detail