Wednesday 12 October 2016


Whole chicken. This you can oven roast, pot roast or barbecue with soft chicken
Right hand up if you can name all your chicken cuts. There are many different cuts of chicken available and the one you use depends on how you intend to cook it. Chicken can be used to cook any meal, depending on the type. Our local, hard chickens can be used for even plantain or yam porridge,
they take longer to cook and do not crumble whereas the soft chicken (Agric fowl), I can only fry, grill or bake and serve with already cooked food. If you want to cook the chicken together in the meal, I would prefer you leave the bones intact whether it's Agric fowl or local.Without it's skin, chicken is well known as very healthy "white meat" alternative to beef and lamb. If hubby has stopped eating red meat, you can serve him chicken, snails, seafood, snake. But you know local chicken has more flavour than agric ( intensely reared and buttered with all the antibiotics). Can't remember when last I ate hard chicken/local anyway. Soft chicken cooks faster even though I hear that Nigerians, that we love hard orobo chicken.


Whole chicken
Boned whole chicken
Breast on the bone
Chicken Marylands
Double (joint)
Chicken thighs with bone
Chicken thighs without bone
Chicken tenderloins
Breast Fillet
Chicken mince
Chicken livers
Breast fillet
More cuts (parts) when you continue...

Boned whole chicken. The chicken sellers can bone for you if you ask them.

Breast on the bone.


Chicken Marylands

Chicken thighs without bone can be pan fried, Grilled or barbecued.

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