Friday 7 October 2016


We have heard and read too many times that breakfast is the best meal of the day, and as such should not be missed. Most mornings, there is just no time to come up with a healthy

breakfast for the family. I will be sharing a few suggestions of "quick fix breakfast" for busy families.

a healthy breakfast with fresh vegetables
Suggestions For Breakfast Ideas 1:
Bread rolls
vegetable salad with or without dressing. I use dressing to enable me eat raw tomatoes.
Hot beverage for the ladies and Moringa Tea or green tea for hubbies
For more on breakfast ideas, scroll right down and view the Menu Timetable.

Bread rolls with salad is healthy

Breakfast Ideas 2:

Ham, most kids love Turkey Mortadella ham and enjoy it sandwiched in their bread.
Wheat bread, although I still enjoy white flour bread even though I know that wheat bread is healthier.
Vegetable salad
Hot beverage for sweet tooth ladies like m*. Green tea or Moringa for more health conscious families.

vegetable salad, dressing, cheese, wheat bread and ham

moringa tea, ham, salad, dressing, green lipton tea, cheese and bread

Aside from breakfast ideas on the Menu Timetable, I'd like to start sharing a few suggestions to busy families who sometimes cannot really think of what to serve for breakfast. To see the Menu Timetable, Scroll right down to the end of the blog. I will try my best to review that Timetable once every month.

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