Thursday 6 October 2016


Nigerian egg rolls are made with dough and a few other ingredients mixed together, with a hard boiled egg rolled inside to form a ball and then deep fried. They cook well in low heat but can burn easily if the oil is too hot. So, a blog reader searched for Nigerian egg roll recipes on the blog and had
to contact me when she couldn't find any. I quickly remembered that the dough I use for pizza can give something close, had to add grated nutmeg and a raw egg to the pizza ingredients to soften a bit, add nutrition. Gave me the perfect egg rolls. Honestly, I made this small thinking "first attempt" cannot be great but I surprised myself, surprised everyone that ate and found it hard to believe that I didn't buy the egg rolls. When the kids rushed everything and won't stop asking for more, I had to quickly make a second batch that we all called "recession egg rolls" because these ones were made with pieces of boiled eggs unlike the first batch. These second batch is smaller in size so, the same ingredients produced 12 egg rolls here while the first batch with full eggs gave just 8.

Egg roll well cooked.

See ingredients and more cooking pics after the cut...

3 cups flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
3 teaspoons yeast
1 raw egg
8 hard boiled eggs
250 ml warm water
1/2 teaspoon baking powder.

Adding ingredients to flour


Add all the ingredients to flour, mix, break the egg in there, mix a little and then pour in the warm water and mix for 5 minutes.
Put dough ball into an airtight container and leave for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, roll the dough in a slightly floured surface and cut with a round cup, lid or cutter. Place an egg in there, roll it up with your hands and continue that way until all the eggs are rolled in the flour.
Deep fry slowly in vegetable oil. Fry one side till brown before flipping and keep the flame low so it doesn't cook too fast and burn.
Remove from oil, place in paper towels and then serve.
This ingredients produced 8 delicious egg rolls.

Warning:The egg roll on top is what happens when you don't cover the boiled egg properly.

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