Saturday 8 October 2016


Popcorn is a snack loved by all especially kids. I'm yet to meet a kid that doesn't like popcorn while watching a movie. In this recession economy, buying popcorn for a large family has become quite expensive, so, recently I remembered my easy home-made popcorn, which is affordable and saves
time too. Right now the kids don't even ask me for popcorn, they know how to make theirs and also know that the instruction reads..."You can't take more than 1/2 cup maize at a time" Lol.
In just five minutes, my popcorn is ready and the whole house plus neighbourhood is filled with that fresh popping corn aroma.

1 to 2 table spoons vegetable oil (I used soya oil)
1 to 2 teaspoons of salt
1/2 cup maize

First I put the fry pan on the lit cooker, grease with oil, add salt and mix together before pouring in the corn and mixing again. The pan is covered and in 5 minutes, I can hear the popping sounds in there. Open a bit for air and to check, then wait 2 more minutes or less for cooking to finish. Once I open the pan, with my spoon, I begin to check under to see grains that are yet to pop and as soon as those ones pop, the heat is turned off so the pan doesn't burn. Ok, so, My cooker burns very very slow, in short I like to call it my modern kerosene stove because of it's low heat. If you have the correct correct cooker that's really hot and empties your gas cylinder like magic, check earlier to prevent making burnt pop corn.
That's all

Adding salt to the oil in a pan

Pouring in the corn

Corn, salt and oil are mixed together

Covered for a few minutes

This is exactly 5 minutes and the corn is popping, almost done.If your cooker is very hot, then this might take shorter time to make

All popped

Well popped, no grain is burnt, if you pop with sugar, I can't guarantee that all will pop because sugar is kind of sticky and caramelizes under heat so some might turn brown and begin to burn earlier.

Enjoy our home made fresh pop corn. Buy pop corn maize from the supermarket.

Happy weekend!

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