Thursday 13 October 2016


Boiled yam served with green vegetables in tomatoes sauce is a delicacy for my family. This is like one of Hubby's favorite dish. Many times, healthy meals are not really

fun to eat, we just try to tolerate because we want to live and eat healthy. Not in this case. This is one healthy meal that is fun eating. The fun heightens when you see some drops of clean sweat on your forehead and remember that you are eating healthy. This is one healthy meal that even kids love.


Adding salt early can harden the food and make it take longer to cook. Allow your yam, beans, plantain or whatever to boil before adding salt
Do not break eggs directly into your pot because you don't want to eat egg shells, neither do you want a bad egg in your pot.
I preserve my fresh red pepper by making them into pepper sauce and storing in the fridge.

add some salt to boiling yam

green,tomatoes,eggs,pepper sauce

ingredients, green amatanthus, tomatoes with onions and royco seasoning, eggs with onions and royco seasoninh, pepper sauce

Ingredients for green vegetables in tomatoes sauce:
Green amaranth ( GREEN)1 bunch
eggs 5
Large tomatoes 3
onion medium size
royco cubes 4
pepper sauce 1 teaspoon
vegetable oil
water and of course the main the main which is
salted boiled yam
The local name for amaranthus is "GREEN" Ask green leafy vegetable sellers for GREEN.

eggs with a little water added and stirred

tomatoes, onion, seasoning and pepper in hot oil

add whisked eggs to hot oil

let eggs and tomatoes boil

Cooking procedure for green vegetables in tomato sauce:

Whisk eggs with some water (3 desert spoons), chopped onions, pepper sauce or ground pepper and seasoning before adding to hot oil
Add diced tomatoes and allow to boil before stirring
check for salt, add washed green vegetables and stir until you are Ok before serving

tomatoes and eggs cook in vegetable oil

add vegetables to egg sauce

stir vegetables well and check for salt before adding any

green vegetables cook in egg sauce

serve cooked vegetables with yam

a healthy pot of vegetables in egg sauce

serve vegetables with yam, unripe plantain, irish potatoes or foo foo
To buy white yams, insist that you scratch off a little part of the skin, if it doesn't change color after some seconds, then it is white yam.

Seasoning cubes are made with a lot of salt this day. I was fortunate to check for salt after adding the royco seasoning cubes. Thankfully, there was no need for salt.
Please, do not let vegetables sellers cut off all the stalk of your green amaranth, check for softness by breaking one stalk, if it breaks easily then it is still fresh and young. The fiber and crunchiness of tender stalks is what I really enjoy when chewing the vegetables. After serving everything, I remembered some people outside who didn't get food, so, I had to make another fast one and serve with the remaining yam. Later, I will post that METHOD 2.

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